2011년 9월 4일 일요일

Letter of Invitation to Mr. Julian Assange

[Background Information]
[1] "9/11 tragedy pager intercepts" — http://911.wikileaks.org/
[2] 9/11 Joint Inquiry — http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/creports/911.html
[3] Relevant excerpt from the 2007 BBC documentary "Conspiracy Files: 9-11" — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6QLnvvyIzg/
[4] We Are Change LA: "9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey finally confesses 9-11 Commission could not do it's job"
[5] Operation Cyclone — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone
[6] Wikileaks mission statement — http://wikileaks.org/wiki/WikiLeaks:About
[7] Documentary "Sibel Edmonds: Kill The Messenger" — http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6063340745569143497
[8] Sibel Edmonds, Daniel Ellsberg together — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aSbmRHqKL4

[TED Interview]

[Julian Assange mentioning 9/11]

Date: September 11th 2011

Invitation to the Lunch with Gyutae Park at Nilli, an Italian restaurant

Dear Mr. Assange,

On behalf of all Americans who are commemorating the 9/11 terror incident, it is my great pleasure to invite you and WikiLeaks to the lunch on Sep. 11th, next Sunday.

I must first say that I am deeply impressed with the momentous contribution that WikiLeaks is making to the modern society. Especially, your recent report of the Iraq war logs and the Guantanamo files. While searching through such shocking materials, I have came upon your remark about 9/11 affair and the "conspiration theories" that you proposed. Especially your interview with the Belfast Telegraph reporter Matthew Bell piqued my interest a lot. Thus, if your time allows, I'd like to personally meet you and discuss more about the truth hidden behind the 9/11 terror and explain more about the following media report; "From 3AM on Wednesday November 25, 2009, until 3AM the following day (US east coast time), WikiLeaks released half a million US national text pager intercepts. The intercepts cover a 24 hour period surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington."

The place for lunch is set to Nilli, a very renowned Italian restaurant in Korea, for I've heard that you enjoy Italian food very much. I believe that our conversation would cover various range of your life - both your personal life, ideology and your public standing. I really look forward meeting you!

The ensuing list of questions I give you to enjoy more fluent and gay conversation with you

1. Tell me about your earlier life
2. How did you start studying computer programming?
3. What are your motivations for founding WikiLeaks?
4. What does WikiLeaks do?
5. How does WikiLeaks work?
6. What is your stance on 9/11?
7. What are your and WikiLeaks' future plans?

<rest of the questions I assume would come out as we talk>

Warmest Regards,

Gyutae Park

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